Sunday, June 15, 2008

School Board Metting on the 18th

The Miami-Dade County School Board will have a scheduled School Board Meeting on Wednesday June 18th, 2008.

Location: School Board Administration Building
1450 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, Florida
School Board Auditorium
Time: 6:30 p.m.

It is HIGHLY recommended that all residents of the community who have an opinion about “HHH-1” be in attendance. All the school board members will hear from residents that approve and disapprove the new high school. Therefore, we need to voice our concerns and make this high school happen. If you want your voice heard, please make arrangements and be at the School Board Meeting. Please click here and sign up to speak to the school board. The dead line is Monday the 16th before 3PM. Please do so.

Even though the Public Forum is scheduled to start at 6:30PM it might not start on time. They are still battling the budget and if history repeats itself, it won't start on time.

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