Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Answering some of the points being made.

I'm trying to find actual written proof that should help you make up your mind. Recently you have read several comments made about how the department of planning and facility has acted in "Shady Practices". I will try to find the actual truth. One of the points being made is that they are building the school with in a half mile of the UDB (Urban Development Boundary} They state that a high school needs to be built a minimum 1 mile of the UDB. This is partially true. Currently HHH1 is about a quarter of a mile of the UDB. But if you read the actual Miami Dade CDMP report there is an exemption. Here's what it actually states:


It is the policy of Miami-Dade County that the Miami-Dade County Public
School System shall not purchase sites for schools nor build new schools
outside of the Urban Development Boundary (UDB), and that new
elementary schools constructed should be located at least 1/4 mile inside the
UDB; new middle schools should be located at least 1/2 mile inside the
UDB, and; new senior high schools should be located at least one mile inside
the UDB. In substantially developed areas of the County where suitable sites in full conformance with the foregoing are not available and a site or portion of a site for a new school must encroach closer to the UDB, the majority of the site should conform with the foregoing location criteria and the principal school buildings and entrances should be placed as far as functionally practical from the UDB. The same criteria of this paragraph that apply to public schools also pertain to private schools.

What it states is that a new high school can be excluded from these rules if it falls under what I high lighted. I will try to continue to find more info in the coming days.

As for the "eminent domain" issue, I agree with all of you who are against it. The Government has no right to take land from a citizen. That it is why I protested it when the law was made. I fought the government not the local school board. They are just following a law that should not be in place. If you have problem with it like I do write your local representative and tell them to reverse the law.


Vince said...

According to the architect's drawings, shown at the public meeting in April, the main entrance planned for HHH1 is on the West boundary of the property, and the buildings are located in the middle or the West side of the property. Once again, the school board does not follow their own regulations.

SayYes2HHH1 said...

You are correct about the lay out of the school. The buildings will be located on the west side of the land which is closest to the UDB. But when the county not the school board as you stated wrote up the CDMP report they left it vague. This could mean different things. It states..."the site should conform with the foregoing location criteria and the principal school buildings and entrances should be placed as far as functionally practical from the UDB." The key words are "functionally practical". Since there are no roads on the east side of the property they had to put it on the west side because it's the only "functionally practical" place to put it.

Vince said...

If the school board followed their own guidelines, they would have rotated the planned buildings 90 deg (clockwise), moved them as far East as possible, and placed the "drop-off" entrance on 160th St. This would comply with their own guidelines, and at least alleviate some of the traffic at the 152 Ave and 160 St intersection. This is not rocket science. If they ignore these simple rules, what else are ignoring?

SayYes2HHH1 said...

If they rotate it 90 deg, will you change your mind about the school? Probably not. You are basing your argument on a report written by the county that is so vague that if you were to take it to court it would be thrown out with in an hour.