Friday, May 2, 2008

Please send those letters out today!!!


I will bang the drum until HHH-1 is approved. The school board is only hearing from the opposition. Please, please, PLEASE contact every member of the school board even Dr. Rudy Crew and let them know that we are the MAJORITY and approve HHH-1. Things are begining to come together, we are getting organized. Tell your neighbors about whats going on. Get involved! Do not feel hopeless because of the past meeting that occrued at JMC Middle School. Remember that meeting was initiated by the opposition. Once word gets out we will out number the opposition by the thousands. WE ARE THE MAJORITY. DO NOT STOP UNTIL YOUR VOICE IS HEARD!! So send those letters out today!!! DO NOT GIVE UP!!!


Anonymous said...

I vote YES for a new high school in our area. HH1 should be built so that our kids can finnaly have a neighborhood high school. The people against it are a minority and they are calling our kids criminals. These people right now are zoned to go to Southridge or Sunset. This school will give all of us the chance to keep our kids in our area.
Please send your thoughts to Ana Rivas Logan TODAY!
Thanks - Maria-Paz Sepulveda

SayYes2HHH1 said...


Kudos, well said!!

Anonymous said...

You state that the other side is in the minority. If that is so, why did they have over 85% in favor of moving the school?

SayYes2HHH1 said...


Where are you getting 85% in favor? Are you talking about that "so called meeting" on the 30th? When you call for a meeting organized by your own group leader (Larry Perez)don't you think it's a bit bias? The majority of the people there were from Stone Wood and Kings Grant. Remember the following communities of Corsica, Lime Wood, Country Walk, Laguna Ponds, Oak Creek North were not there to voice their approval. These residents have the right also since it's their children that will benefit from HHH-1. Sorry but Larry Perez and Stone Wood do not speak for the majority. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

why dont you build the school in one of communities you mentioned Corsica, Lime Wood, Country Walk, Laguna Ponds, Oak Creek North

SayYes2HHH1 said...

That's a great idea. O, I forgot There's no land in those communities to build on. But thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

that "so called" meeting was advertised in the miami herald, just like your "so called" notices to the public about the school being built were.
by the way, where is it that you live? will your back yard be by the 3 floor main building of the school or bus drop off area? or are you lucky enough to be by the band practice area? if it's neither of those options, i can see why you are so gung-ho for the school. actually, even if you are a little further away, do you mind if we use your front yard for parking? i really hope it's a yes because that's what you're forcing these residents to approve.

voices united said...

This school will have over 3,000 students. The attendance boundary will extend far beyond the 2 mile radius discussed at the Mas Canosa meeting, because it must include students currently attending Varela, Sunset, and Southridge. HHH1 is a school to relieve overcrowding at those schools, and they're at 120-135% of capacity. What makes you think HHH1 will be at or under capacity -- EVER? It's not a magnet school and must take anyone within the boundaries, which, incidentally, you're not at liberty to set. Those are set by the Attendance Boundary Committee set up by the school system. Your input is as valued and worthwhile as it was when they decided to build HHH1 with no community input or information. You have NO SAY in who attends this school. So what you need to do is work to put it in an area where you can get in and out when you need to drop your child off, pick him up from band practice, and still get to work on time. This location is not the right place. A few blocks away there are acres of vacant fields, including to the south, where Lovell Farms was located. Remember them? They vowed they'd never leave, so if you bought a home in that area, you had to be prepared to deal with their trucks, their fertilizers and sprayers and their traffic. There are other nearby locations far better suited to this project. Our tax dollars are not being spent wisely, and just because we need a school doesn't mean we should take the first location that comes along, when a more thoughtful process can give us a better project that uses dollars and sense more wisely. (Did you marry your first boyfriend/girlfriend? No, you thought long and hard and decided to wait for the right one to come along.) My kids will have graduated before this school opens, unfortunately. But I still want it somewhere that produces better traffic flow and room for expansion. The current site has neither. Quit acting like a spoiled brat who wasn't invited to the party and look at the big picture!

SayYes2HHH1 said...

Voices United,
The school board already paid for the land (Millions), paid for the clearing of the land ($229,000) and for the plans ($$$$) don't you think it's a waste of tax payers money to start all over again? If they don't build it there, what do you think the school board do with the land? They will sell it to a builder that will build new $250,000 2 story town homes. Would you prefer that? Would you like 500 new residents in an area of 34 acres? What would your property value be like? What would traffic look like? It takes 5 years in getting a new school (finding site through opening of the school), we can't wait anymore. The kids that will be going to our school already live in the neighborhood. Do you think it is right to live in Country Walk and you have to send your children to Sunset High? What do you say to those parents who've been waiting for a school all these years? I guess we will agree to disagree but we have the right like your self to voice our opinion. Thanks for posting……

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Crew,

My name is Yolanda Cintado-Seiglie and I am a resident of Corsica Estates. I am writing to you because I am and will continue to be a big advocate for our children and the importance of having schools within our community. I was highly involved in the building of Norma Butler Bossard and Jorge Mas Canosa. As for many years I had to transport my son who is know fifteen and attending Southridge Senior High which is quit far from my house. He has never had the opportunity to make friend within our community for he attended middle school at Southwood Middle and now Southridge.

My nine-year-old daughter attends Norma Butler Bossard it is an excellent school, for which I am highly involved. I feel that this group of citizens who are trying to block the building of the new High School are not only being selfish but definitely do not have any concerns for our children. They are claiming that they were not aware that a school was going up in there community. Well I beg to differ because I have been tracking it from the very beginning. I knew that this land was acquired thru eminent domain from Matheson Properties and I am always in contact with Fernando Albuerne and going to the mdcps facilities website. So if they are indeed so involved with there community as they claim they would have been aware of this long ago.

Besides most schools in Miami Dade County are within communities so what makes them any different then the residents of Corsica were Norma Butler Bossard is located. Not only do they not bring a valid reason for this school to not be being built but a selfish one. Our children are neither criminals nor vandals as they state on there website. Therefore, I will continue to advocate for this and many other schools to be built for our children.


Yolanda Cintado-Seiglie

Caro said...

I am really tired of all you folks saying that this will be a neighborhood school for the kids in this neighborhood. I live about 6 blocks from the propsed site, it is obvious from all of your messages that you do NOT live in this neighborhood. It seems to me that the majority of you live in Corsica and the communities to the north of the proposed site. We do not need nor want a school so close to our homes!! If you all want this school so badly than put it in YOUR neighborhood. I have lived here for almost 20 years and had to drive all over the county because we did not have neighborhood schools. Build the school on the vacant land next to the Lexus/Toyota dealership or east of Tamiami Airport. This was not a well thought out process, the school board should seriously reconsider this site.

Anonymous said...

sick&tired of hhh1,
I agree with you whole-heartedly. Notice how none of them say where they live. It's an interesting and beneficial omission.