Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A need to post this email I received.

Here's an email that was sent to me concerning HHH1. It's a must READ!! Yolanda is talking about a post she saw on the opposition's web site. What the post choose to not include is that state school YYY1 is currently being built and scheduled to open in 2009. Once the school is opened it will help out Miami Killian and Miami Palmetto High in their over crowding. I guess they just made our argument in how important it is to build HHH1.

I am a home owner at Corsica Estates and my daughter currently attends Norma Butler Bossard. I've been well aware of the new high school way before it even went to court to obtain the land under Eminent Domain. I was also highly involved in petitioning to assure that Norma Butler and Jose Mas Canosa would be built for our children. Therefore, when I started seeing the signs in my neighborhood to stop the new High School, I was bothered. How could they state that they were not aware? Well how involved are they in there community. Not much because this has been on the facilities web site for well over a year and has come up on several board meetings. I even tracked on the clerk of courts web site. Please let me know how I could be of assistance for my neighbors and I am willing to do what ever it takes to assure that the school is built, which I believe will be. I already wrote a letter to every school board member and to the commissioner of education and governor.

All schools in Dade County have been and continue to be built within communities so what makes there’s better than others nothing at all. Our children are not criminals and on there web-site they have a picture of Ron Ehman Park with cars lined up and quoting Joe Fernandez the Park Manager. Well I personally know Joe as for my children attend summer camp there and I think they use his words and turned them around to there advantage. I know first hand the hardship of having to commute my child to school everyday. My son is a freshman at Southridge and instead of having him catch the bus at 6:10 I take him every morning and it is not easy.



Thursday, May 22, 2008

School Board Meeting on May 21st

The school board finally heard from a resident that represents the majority. It was a long night but it was worth the wait. I didn't get to speak until 11:40PM. It was a long night because of all the budget cuts being proposed. Our school has nothing to do with the budget cuts because the cuts are being done on the operational side. The $50 million has already been set a side for our school. We took another step tonight in getting our school approved. We started a petition drive yesterday. In just one day we have signature's for approving HHH1 from 150 residents. We are going to continue the petition drive until we reach all of the community. This is not the time to lower our guards. PLEASE continue sending your letters to every single board member. Remember we represent the majority of the community. HHH1 will be built at it's current location with out delay.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Meeting Tonight.

The Miami-Dade County School Board will have a scheduled School Board Meeting on Wednesday. May 21, 2008.

Location: School Board Administration Building
1450 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, Florida
School Board Auditorium

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Part of the agenda will concern the new construction of a high school, which we are in need for, currently known as (“HHH-1”). The proposed site is at the intersection of SW 152nd Ave and 160th St. It is HIGHLY recommended that all residents of the community who have an opinion about “HHH-1” be in attendance. All the school board members will hear from residents that approve and disapprove the new high school. Therefore, we need to voice our concerns and make this high school happen. If you want your voice heard, please make arrangements and be at the School Board Meeting.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Meeting coming up PT2


The meeting is for May 21st. It starts at 1 PM but the part of the meeting we are all interested in should begin around 6PM. We need to show up in numbers. If you are interested in speaking to the school board, please email me and I will let you know how to register your self. The address is 1450 NE 2nd Ave. We all still need to send the letters out to every single member of the school board. Once you have sent the letter out please email me a copy of the letter. I will present all the letters to the school board in person. We need to let them know in large numbers that we want HHH1 built.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Meeting coming up!

There's a meeting at the school board coming up on May 21st concerning HHH-1. We need to show up in numbers for the meeting. The members of the school board including Ms. Ana Rivas-Logan need to know that the majority of the community want HHH-1 built. We can do this by showing up on the 21st to the meeting. They will not vote for the construction contract at this meeting but they will be talking about it. I will post more info about the meeting in the coming days. Meanwhile, have you sent your letters to the school board, most important to Ms. Rivas-Logan? It's very important that you do. Your voice needs to be heard. Please do it right away.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Please send those letters out today!!!


I will bang the drum until HHH-1 is approved. The school board is only hearing from the opposition. Please, please, PLEASE contact every member of the school board even Dr. Rudy Crew and let them know that we are the MAJORITY and approve HHH-1. Things are begining to come together, we are getting organized. Tell your neighbors about whats going on. Get involved! Do not feel hopeless because of the past meeting that occrued at JMC Middle School. Remember that meeting was initiated by the opposition. Once word gets out we will out number the opposition by the thousands. WE ARE THE MAJORITY. DO NOT STOP UNTIL YOUR VOICE IS HEARD!! So send those letters out today!!! DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Here's an excerpt from a letter that Mr. Larry Perez (Leader of wrote to Commissioner Moss.....

"Due to our concerns regarding significant impacts to roads, traffic patterns, noise, property values and crime, we have requested that the school board present residents with their plans for this new school on Wednesday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m. at Jorge Mas Canosa Middle School, at 15735 SW 144 ST."

Wow, they think our children are criminals!!!

Have you sent your letter?

Here's what I sent to every member of the school board....

May 1, 2008

Ms. Ana Rivas-Logan

Ms. Ana Rivas Logan,

I’m writing to you as a concerned parent. Our schools are beyond their capacity. There is a mandate to reduce our class size. Currently there is a proposal on the table to build a new high school at the intersection of SW 152nd Ave and 160th St (HHH-1). The proposal will be up for vote soon. There is a small group of residents that is opposing the building of the high school. They claim their “quality of life” will change. They also claim as per their web site ( crime will increase. I am greatly offended with what they are stating. Our children are not criminals. We just want the best education at a reasonable class size. HHH-1 will solve this problem. In the next coming days and weeks you will be receiving phone calls, faxes and emails from the majority of the community that approve the new high school. Our voices will be heard when the vote is on the table.

Thanking you in advance,

Miami, Fl. 33177