Wednesday, April 30, 2008


There was a meeting organized by Mr. Larry Perez tonight at JMC Middle School. Mr Perez is leading a small group of residents of Stone Wood in fighting against the building of the new high school. It was suppose to have been an informational meeting followed by Q&A. Well the informational meeting only lasted for about 10 minutes and it turned into a screaming match lead by the opponents. It was an ambush and unprofessional. We couldn't even hear what the school board was proposing. We all need to talk about it as calm reasonable residents of the community. Screaming at those poor people from Miami-Dade School was not the way to do it.


RelocateHHH1 said...

Dear Sayyes,

I do not think anybody in attendance last night ps against a high school being built for the residents of this area. All we are asking is that they look at alternative sites for the school. With all the agricultural land in the area, they should be able to find an owner that is willing to swap land.

This was just dropped in our neighborhood without any prior notice or public input. Do ou think this is fair? How would you feel if the county decided that they needed a new firestation out in this area and took property that abuts yours? Wouldn't you want support in getting the station moved?

They keep on saying that this new HS will alleviate the overcrowding at Felix Varella. Do you know that now chldren south of 136 St. go to Varella unless they get an out of area transfer.

Please reevaluate your stance and put yourself in our shoes.

Relocate HHH1

SayYes2HHH1 said...

Dear relocatehhh1,

I apreciate your post and understand that you have concerns. This school has been over due and should have been built a long time ago. Starting all over again is a waste of tax payers money. Even if they built it at a different location the residents in that area will have concerns. This is a school not a prison. This is for our childern and their future. Some of the concerns from the residents in the area are understandable (Traffic, parking, noise). But what gets me is their concerns with crime. There was a lady at the meeting that came in with alcohol bottles, claiming she found it at the park. This is a good neighborhood with low crime rates. The children that will attend the school are from the neighborhood. I would love to see a study that states a new school increases crime. The alcohol lady has insulted every residents with children that raise their own with morals and values. Put up for a vote and let ALL the communities that will benefit have a voice.